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An Absolute Assurance
A third generation kid
An assured lifestyle is the dream of every person. Financial independence is the primary factor for an assured lifestyle. While good employment and a good salary may bring financial sufficiency, they do not provide financial independence. A dependable source of income (DSI) can bring absolute financial security. This dependable source should be permanent in nature and produce periodic income for a lifetime. Few fathers of the present generation have been able to create this DSI platform. This is evident in the confidence levels of their children and grandchildren. However, there is no reason to regret not having a DSI from your father. Instead, there is ample reason to be proud and feel secure if you can create a DSI for yourself and future generations. So today, you solemnly resolve to build a lifestyle with financial independence. The project Life in Green will help you take this resolution forward. An assured lifestyle brings the warmth of confidence, risk tolerance, and hence a higher success rate in life.